Python html5lib Skipped Elements

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I've been working on some interesting python stuff at Mozilla and one task recently called for called for rending a page and then finding elements with a URL attribute value (like img[src] or a[href]) and ensuring they become absolute URLs.  One problem I encountered when using html5lib was that LINK and IMG elements were being skipped when I tokenized the HTML.  After browsing through the html5lib source code, I found a variable called voidElements which included both LINK and IMAGE:

voidElements = frozenset((

When I commented out those two elements, they were found upon next run of my routine, meaning their presence in the set were causing me problems.  Here's how I skirted the issue:

new_void_set = set()
for item in html5lib_constants.voidElements:
html5lib_constants.voidElements = frozenset(new_void_set)

Since voidElements is a frozenset, I couldn't simply remove LINK and IMG, so I needed to create a new frozenset without those elements.  Let me know if there's a more python-ish way of creating this frozen set.  In an event, delving into the deep recesses of html5lib paid off and I accomplished the goal!

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  1. You could use list comprehension to filter the elements instead; something like:

    html5lib_constants.voidElements = frozenset([e for e in html5lib_constants.voidElements if e not in [“link”, “img”]])

    Sounds like it would be useful to add void element overriding as a feature to the library in the future, though.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!