Recent Features
Page Visibility API
One event that's always been lacking within the document is a signal for when the user is looking at a given tab, or another tab. When does the user switch off our site to look at something else? When do they come back?
Camera and Video Control with HTML5
Client-side APIs on mobile and desktop devices are quickly providing the same APIs. Of course our mobile devices got access to some of these APIs first, but those APIs are slowly making their way to the desktop. One of those APIs is the getUserMedia API...
Incredible Demos
Using jQuery and MooTools Together
There's yet another reason to master more than one JavaScript library: you can use some of them together! Since MooTools is prototype-based and jQuery is not, jQuery and MooTools may be used together on the same page. The XHTML and JavaScript jQuery is namespaced so the...
Generate Dojo GFX Drawings from SVG Files
One of the most awesome parts of the Dojo / Dijit / DojoX family is the amazing GFX library. GFX lives within the dojox.gfx namespace and provides the foundation of Dojo's charting, drawing, and sketch libraries. GFX allows you to create vector graphics (SVG, VML...