$100 Off W3Conf Discount Code!

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W3Conf is quickly approaching and if you haven't considered going, you're crazy you really should.  The speaker line-up is full of legends:  Lea Verou, Eric Meyer, my favorite Mozillian, Janet Swisher, and more.  You may also bump into well-known developers Chris Coyier, Jacob Thornton, Nicole Sullivan, and many more.  If you haven't registered yet, there's now a better reason to go:  a cheaper ticket!

Coupon Code:  WALSH

Use the coupon code WALSH and you can save $100!  Use that money to buy one of your favorite devs a drink!  ;)  The conference is February 21-22 in San Fransisco, California.  Sign up and have fun!

Side note:  I was invited to attend W3Conf but couldn't due to Walsh Kid ™ being due to enter the world around that time.  Please do go though -- you'll have loads of fun and learn a lot!

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