2007 Blog Round Up

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The first year (well, five months) of my blog has been a blast. I've had a lot of fun picking the minds of readers and I've learned more than I had expected to. I've compiled a year-end round up of statistics and general information about the website during this year to share with all of my readers. Enjoy!

20 Most Popular Articles

  1. Yahoo's NoScript Compatibility Saved My Fantasy Football Team
  2. Horizontally Center Your Website Structure Using CSS
  3. 6 Reasons Why IE6 Must Die
  4. Advanced CSS -- Using A Reset.css File To Gain Complete Control
  5. Advanced CSS Links -- Spice Up Your Links
  6. Advanced CSS Tables -- Using CSS3 For Alternate Row Colors
  7. 8 Ways For A Programmer To Stay Sane
  8. 6 AJAX Rules To Live By
  9. Advanced CSS Tables II -- Using MooTools JavaScript For Alternate Row Colors
  10. PHP / JavaScript Shorthand If / Else Examples
  11. Upcoming PHP6 Additions & Changes
  12. 6 Reasons To Use JavaScript Libraries And Frameworks
  13. Advanced CSS Printing -- Using JavaScript DoubleClick To Remove Unwanted DIVs
  14. Wordpress' .htaccess File Is Genius
  15. PHP Shorthand If / Else Using Ternary Operators
  16. Fluid Anchors -- Smooth Anchors Using MooTools
  17. MooTools Image Mouseovers -- Cleaner JavaScript Code, Less Hassle
  18. Using PHP Generic Objects To Organize Your Code
  19. Quick & Easy CSS Compression Using PHP
  20. Combine Your CSS Medias Styles Into One File

3 Articles I Thought Would Be More Popular

  1. Advanced CSS Printing -- Using JavaScript DoubleClick To Remove Unwanted DIVs
  2. Advanced CSS - Class Is Out - Avoiding Classes By Using Formatting Tags For Structure
  3. Compress Your XHTML Output Using PHP Output Buffers

10 Most Popular Sugars

  1. CSS
  2. MooTools
  3. PHP
  4. AJAX
  5. How To / Guides
  6. Javascript
  7. XHTML / XML
  8. Browsers
  9. Usability
  10. Web Design

Top 10 Referring Sites (thank you!)

  1. Google
  2. DZone
  3. StumbleUpon
  4. Digg
  5. CSS Globe
  6. Anieto 2K (Spanish-language)
  7. CSS Tricks
  8. PHPSpot
  9. Posh CSS
  10. De.licio.us

10 Most-Read Countries (besides US)

  1. United Kingdom
  2. Canada
  3. India
  4. Germany
  5. Spain
  6. Australia
  7. Netherlands
  8. France
  9. Italy
  10. Poland

Misc. Stats

  • Free books sent: 3
  • Guest blog appearances: 1
  • Domains used: 2 (davidwalsh.name and the original, bludice.com)
  • Themes used: 2
  • Number of time I asked someone else to take my article down from their blog: 15
  • Newsletters featured in: 1

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  1. Congrats on your first five months, I started reading your blog 2 months ago. I have no idea how I stumbled across it, but I read it every workday morning .

    All the best for this upcoming year!

  2. Toussaint


Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!